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Preschool, Grade 1 to 6, Secondary 1 to 5

Musique et poésie

The "Arts en dialogues" series offers many activities crossing music with various other artistic disciplines. In this document, a musician and a poet meet and suggest avenues for future work, highlighting the similarities of each one's technical area.

The book-CD includes:
- A first part with suggestions of ways to write and develop the imagination in poetry.
- A second part with different ways to musically interpret poems.

- A third part with poems written by Michel Lautru and activities suggested by the musician and the poet.

The CD that accompanies the booklet offers:
- Audio samples illustrating the activities in the booklet and highlighting the relationship between music and poetry.


1- Poème Salut soleil
2- Jeux de rencontres, jeux d'appels
3- Polyphonie de phrases
4- Répétition de mots
5- Poème Girafabaffe
6- Rythme binaire / Rythme ternaire
6- Rythme binaire / Rythme ternaire
8- Ostinato : Répétition obstinée
9- Poème Troiscoupsd'cailloux
10- Échos et sons tenus
11- Poème Flûtes frêles
12- Écouter la pluie
13- Jouer des gbouttes de pluie
14- Poème Les mots
15- Nuage de mots
16- Velouté de mots
17- Poème Mon père
18- Le chapeau de poésie
19- Poème Nous passons
20- Des pas
21- Sons longs, sons tenus
22- Sons réguliers du temps qui passe
24- Randonnées de poèmes à écouter, à lire
23- Tic-Tac (canon à 3 voix)
25- Des vents qui content...
26- Les longues laisses du vent
27- M'en allant promener...
Codes: Document and CD - FZ70541
ISBN Number: 978-2-84169-205-7
Number Of Pages: 56

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